Thursday, 09 February 2017

CompArch 2008 Industrial Experience Report Track

Industrial Experience Report Track

The industrial experience report track is part of the Software Industrial Day @ CompArch 2008

October 15, 2008

University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany


Today, a system's software quality plays an increasingly important role. It is commonly accepted that crucial quality attributes including performance metrics, scalability or availability, but also maintainability are heavily influenced by the software architecture. However, a systematic and comprehensive understanding of how architectural design decisions affect the system's quality is lacking. Nevertheless, to treat software design as an engineering discipline rather than an art, we need the ability to address the quality of the software architecture directly on the model level, not simply as it is reflected in the implemented system.

Therefore, in the Industrial Experience Track of COMPARCH we explicitly ask for reports on projects where the architecture plays or should play a central role for software quality or is used in the development process to control the quality. The goal of the Industrial Track is exchanging experience in the role of software architectures of existing or currently built systems

Accepted Papers

Index-based Process and Software Quality Control in Agile Development Projects (PDF)
Nicole Rauch, Eberhard Kuhn, Holger Friedrich
andrena objects ag

Evaluating Failure Propagation in the Application Landscape of a Large Bank (PDF)
Josef Lankes, Florian Matthes, Tarmo Ploom
TU Munich

Quality Considerations in SAP Architectures (PDF)
Wolfgang Theilmann, Roger Kilian-Kehr
SAP Research, CEC Karlsruhe

Analyzing the Extensibility Options of Business Software Solutions (PDF)
Marcus Echter


The Program is available at this page